千葉市の受験指導 スタディカ

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I had known nothing about it until you told it to me.
I had never been to China until I became 20.
When I came home my brother had just finished his homework.
The train had already started when I got to the station.
(1)I found my bag which I had lost the day before.
(2)He met the man who I had met the day before.
(3)Ken talked about the movie which he had watched two weeks before.
He must have stolen the money.
He may [might / could] have stolen the money.
* 推量の強さは may > might / could
He cannot [couldn't] have stolen the money.
* 推量の強さは can > could
You should have gone to see the concert yesterday.
* should は、話し手の主観的な意見
You ought to have gone to vote even if it was very cold.
* ought to は、法律・規則・道徳などに照らした客観的義務
I needn't have bought so much food. There were only two guests at the party.
I am proud to have won the prize.
[= I am proud that I won the prize.]
She seems to have been very happy.
[= It seems that she was very happy.]
She is said to have been very happy.
[= It is said that she was very happy.]
This car seems to have been used for a long time.
[= It seems that this car has been used for a long time.]
If I had known your address I would have written to you.
(=I did not write to you because I did not know your address.)
I wish he had been with me then.
(=I am sorry that he was not with me then.)
If only I had had more money then! 
