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英文並び替え問題 基礎編①
未来形 現在完了 助動詞 受動態 比較 付加疑問文 
私は明日手紙を書くつもりです。 I am going to write a letter tomorrow
(am a going letter tomorrow to I write )
あなたは次の日曜にフランス語を勉強するつもりです。 You are going to study French next Sunday
(are Sunday next going to French study you )
彼は来年医者になるでしょう。 He is going to be a doctor next year 
(year to he a doctor next is be going )
私は本を読むつもりはありません。 I am not going to read a book
(going I not book a to am read )
彼らは放課後テニスをするつもりですか。 Are they going to play tennis after school 
(to play they going are school after tennis )
トムは来週泳ぐつもりですか? Is Tom going to swim next week ?
(next is swim week going Tom to )
いつ、あなたは勉強するつもりですか。 When are you going to study ?
(to study are when you going )
どこで、かれはギターを弾くでしょうか。 Where is he going to play the guitar ?
(where to going play guitar he is the )
誰が辞書を使うでしょうか? Who is going to use a dictionary ?
(dictionary use is a to who going )
私は今日母を手伝うつもりです。 I will help my mother today
(my will today mother I help )
彼は山に登るでしょう。 He will climb the mountain
(will climb the he mountain )
ジェーンは明日走らないでしょう。 Jane will not run tomorrow
(Jane tomorrow not run will )
彼女は来週の土曜日車を運転しないでしょう。 She won't drive a car next Saturday
(a Saturday she car drive won't next )
ボブは明後日勉強するでしょうか? Will Bob study the day after tomorrow?
(tomorrow the will study after day Bob )
ジェーンは東京へ出発するでしょうか? Will Jane leave for Tokyo ?
(Jane for Tokyo will leave )
あなたはいつ、勉強するつもりですか。 When will you study ?
(When study you will )
どこで彼はギターを弾くつもりですか。 Where will he play the guitar ?
(will guitar play where he the )
誰が辞書を使うでしょうか?トムです。 Who will use a dictionary ? Tom will
(who use dictionary Tom will a will )
私は今朝からずっとそれを食べています。 I have eaten it since this morning 
(I it have eaten morning this since )
私は2時間ずっと話しています。 I have spoken for two hours 
(two I hours spoken have for )
彼は4月からずっと本を書いています。 He has written a book since April 
( he written a April since has book )
私は3回それを食べたことがある。 I have eaten it three times 
(have it three I times eaten )
私は以前にその映画を見たことがなかった。 I haven't seen the movie before 
(the haven't I movie seen before )
あなたは彼女に2度会ったことがありますか?はい、あります。 Have you met her twice? Yes  I have 
(have have you met I Yes twice her )
私は今までにそれを食べたことがない。 I have never eaten it 
(eaten have never I it )
トムは今までにそれを食べたことがありますか?いいえ、ありません。 Has Tom ever eaten it? No  he hasn't 
(hasn't it Tom has No eaten ever he )
彼はこのようないい映画を今まで見たことがない。 He has never seen such a nice movie 
(movie he has nice a such seen never )
どれぐらいの間、あなたはそれをずっと食べているのですか。 How long have you eaten it 
(how you it have long eaten )
あなたは何回それを食べたことがありますか。 How many times have you eaten it 
(you how have many eaten times it )
トムは何回その映画を見たことがありますか。 How often has Tom seen the movie 
(the movie how has Tom seen often )
私はすでにそれを食べてしまいました。 I have already eaten it 
(have I eaten it already )
あなたはもう彼女に会いましたか。 Have you met her yet 
(met yet you her have )
彼はまだその映画を見ていません。 He hasn't seen the movie yet 
(yet he movie hasn't the seen )
トムは2年間ずっとアメリカにいます。 Tom has been in America for two years 
(been in Tom years two America for has )
トムは5回アメリカに行ったことがある。 Tom has been to America five times 
( has been times America to five Tom )
トムはアメリカに行ってしまった。 Tom has gone to America 
(has to America Tom gone )
私はちょうどそれを食べたところです。 I have just eaten it 
(have I just eaten it )
トムはちょうどアメリカに行ってきたところです。 Tom has just been to America 
(America just been to has Tom )
あなたはどこに行ってきたところですか。 Where have you been 
(been have where you )
私は一生懸命勉強しなければならない。 I must study hard
(must I hard study )
私は一生懸命勉強しなければならない。 I have to study hard
(have to I hard study )
彼女は病院へ行かなければならない。 She has to go to the hospital
( go to has she hospital the to )
あなたはこの列車に乗ってはいけない。 You mustn't get on this train
(this on you mustn't get train )
あなたはこの列車に乗る必要はない。 You don't have to get on this train
(you train don't on this have to get )
彼はこの食べ物を食べる必要はなかった。 He didn't have to eat this food
(eat food this he to have didn't )
トムは速く走らなければなりませんか? Must Tom run fast ?
(Tom must run fast )
トムは速く走らなければなりませんか? Does Tom have to run fast ?
(does fast to run Tom have )
私は弟を手伝わなければなりませんか? Must I help my brother ?
(brother I must help my )
私は車を運転できる。 I can drive a car
(a drive I car can )
私は車を運転できる。 I am able to drive a car
(car able to a I drive am )
彼はフランス語を話せる。 He is able to speak French
(speak is French able he to )
あなたは速く泳げますか Can you swim fast ?
( you can swim fast )
あなたは速く泳げますか? Are you able to swim fast ?
(able swim fast are you to )
ボブはバイオリンを弾けません。 Bob isn't able to play the violin
(able the Bob play violin to isn't )
トムは先月速く走れました。 Tom could run fast last month
( last month could fast Tom run )
トムは先月速く走れました。 Tom was able to run fast last month
(fast last to Tom month was able run )
トムは来年速く走れるでしょう。 Tom will be able to run fast next year
( fast run be Tom to next year able will )
あなたは辞書を使わなければならなかった。 You had to use a dictionary
(to you dictionary use a had )
わたしは明日までにこの本を読まなければなりませんか。 Do I have to read this book till tomorrow ?
(this to do till tomorrow I book read have )
彼は学校へ行く必要はなかった。 He didn't have to go to school
(he to didn't go to have school )
窓を開けてもらえますか? Will you open the window ?
(will window the you open )
手伝いましょうか? Shall I help you ?
(you I shall help )
公園に行きませんか? Shall we go to park ?
(to go shall park we )
あなたはこの車を運転してもいいですよ。 You may drive this car
( you this car drive may )
このドイツ語の本を読んでもいいですか? May I read this Germany book ?
(I Germany may this read book )
トムはここに来てはいけません。 Tom may not come here
(here not Tom may come )
彼は医者かもしれない。 He may be a doctor
(a he doctor be may )
ジェーンは看護婦にちがいない。 Jane must be a nurse
(be Jane nurse must a )
彼女は学生のはずはない。 She can't be a student
(a be student she can't )
あなたは速く走るべきです。 You should run fast 
( you fast should run )
あなたは速く走ったほうがいい。 You had better run fast 
(you fast run had better )
あなたはゆっくり歩かないほうがいい。 You had better not walk slowly 
(better had you slowly walk not )
あなたは速く走る必要がある。 You need run fast 
(run fast you need )
あなたは学校へ行く必要はない。 You need not go to school 
(to not school you need go )
あなたは学校へ行く必要はなかった。 You didn't have to go to school 
(to go school have you didn't to )
私は外国へ行きたい。 I would like to go abroad 
(like to would abroad I go )
あなたは外国へ行きたいですか。 Would you like to go abroad 
(go to like abroad would you )
私はテニスをしたい。 I'd like to play tennis 
(like play I'd to tennis )
この車はトムによって運転される。 This car is driven by Tom
(car Tom is driven by this )
その自転車は彼女によって乗られますか? Is the bike ridden by her ?
(bike the ridden her by is )
英語はあの先生によって教えられない。 English isn't taught by that teacher
( teacher English taught isn't by that )
あの本ヘジェーンによって書かれた。 That book was written by Jane
(written was by that book Jane )
これらの人形は彼女の父によって与えられたのですか? Were these dolls given by her father ?
(these by dolls were given her father )
あれらのおもちゃは彼によって作られなかった。 Those toys weren't made by him
(those toys weren't made him by )
この自転車はメアリーによって乗られるでしょう。 This bike will be ridden by Mary
(by this ridden Mary be will bike )
この部屋は私たちによって、そうじされなければなりませんか。 Must this room be cleaned by us ?
(us cleaned room be must by this )
あの辞書は彼らには使われないでしょう。 That dictionary won't be used by them
( by dictionary that used be them won't )
いつ、その本はメアリーによって使われましたか。 When was the book used by Mary ?
(book used Mary the was when by )
何があれらの生徒に読まれましたか。 What was read by those students ?
( read by students was those what )
何の種類の本がトムによって書かれましたか。 What kind of books was written by Tom ?
( written by Tom what of books kind was )
英語はイギリスで話される。 English is spoken in England
(English in is spoken England )
英語はイギリスで話される。 They speak English in England
(speak English in they England )
その星はここで見ることができる。 The star can be seen here
(star here be the can seen )
トムはみんなに笑われた。 Tom was laughed at by everyone
(Tom laughed was everyone by at )
そのネコはメアリーに世話された。 The cat was look for by Mary
(the cat for look Mary was by )
ジェーンは彼らに話しかけられた。 Jane was spoken to them
(Jane to them spoken was )
この家は材木でできている。 This house is made of wood
(this made wood house of is )
チーズはミルクでできている。 Cheese is made from milk
(from is made milk Cheese )
彼はテニスに興味があった。 He was interested in tennis
(interested in was he tennis )
あの話はみんなに知られている。 That story is known to everyone
(is known everyone to that story )
その山は雪でおおわれている。 The mountain is covered with snow
(with is mountain snow covered the )
私はその知らせに驚いた。 I was surprised at the news
( the surprised I was news at )
トムは背が高いです。 Tom is tall
( Tom tall is )
トムはメアリーと同じぐらい背が高いです。 Tom is as tall as Mary
( tall as as Tom Mary is )
メアリーはトムほど背が高くない。 Mary isn't as tall as Tom
(tall Tom as isn't as Mary )
ボブは速く走る。 Bob runs fast
(runs fast Bob )
ボブはジェーンと同じぐらい速く走る。 Bob runs as fast as Jane
(runs Jane as fast Bob as )
ジェーンはボブほど速く走らない。 Jane doesn't run as fast as Bob
(Bob Jane doesn't as run fast as )
トムはメアリーより背が高い。 Tom is taller than Mary
(Mary Tom than is taller )
ボブはジェーンより速く走る。 Bob runs faster than Jane
(faster Jane than runs Bob )
ジェーンはボブより早く起きましたか。 Did Bob get up earlier than Jane ?
(Jane than Bob get earlier Did up )
トムはクラスの中で最も背が高い。 Tom is the tallest in his class
(is in class his tallest the Tom )
トムは3人の中で最も背が高いですか。 Is Tom the tallest boy of the three ?
( boy the the Tom of three is tallest )
ボブは家族の中で最も速く走る。 Bob runs the fastest in his family
(Bob his the family in fastest runs )
彼はマイクよりずっと速く泳ぐことができる。 He can swim much faster than Mike
(faster swim Mike he much can than )
彼女はジェーンより少し背が低い。 She is a little shorter than Jane
(Jane a is she little than shorter )
信濃川は他のどの川より長い。 The Shinano river is longer than any other river
(the any longer than is other river Shinano river )
私は冬より春が好きです。 I like spring better than winter
(spring than like winter I better )
あなたは犬とネコどちらが好きですか。 Which do you like better dogs or cats ?
(cats better dogs or like you which do )
だんだん寒くなった。 It got colder and colder
(it colder colder got and )
私は春が最も好きです。 I like spring the best
(spring best like the I )
あなたはどの季節が最も好きですか。 Which season do you like the best ?
(best which you do like the season )
東京は最も大きな街のひとつです。 Tokyo is the one of the largest cities
(one the Tokyo largest the cities of is )
トムはメアリーの3倍歳をとっている。 Tom is three times as old as Mary 
(is times as old as three Tom Mary )
トムはメアリーより3歳年とっている。 Tom is three years older than Mary 
(than Tom three years older is Mary )
トムは家族の中で3番目に年とっている。 Tom is the third oldest in his family 
(oldest family the in is his Tom third )
だんだん寒くなってきている。 It is getting colder and colder 
(colder is colder and getting It )
私はできるだけ一生懸命勉強します。 I study as hard as I can 
(study I can as I as hard )
彼はできるだけ速く走った。 He ran as fast as possible 
(he as ran possible fast as )
トムは医者ですよね。 Tom is a doctor  isn't he ?
(he a doctor is isn't Tom )
メアリーはサッカーをしますよね。 Mary plays soccer   doesn't she ?
(doesn't plays soccer Mary she )
あなたは上手に歌を歌えますよね。 You can sing well   can't you ?
(you can't well you can sing )
トムは先生ではないですよね。 Tom isn't a teacher   is he ?
( Tom he isn't a is teacher )
メアリーはテニスをしませんよね。 Mary didn't play tennis   did she ?
(Mary didn't tennis did she play )
彼らはそこに行くつもりはないですよね。 They won't go there   will they ?
(will there they won't they go )
あなたは彼女に会いましたよね。 You have met her   haven't you ?
(her met have you you haven't )
犬がいますよね。 There are dogs   aren't there ?
(there dogs there are aren't )
ネコはいませんよね。 There isn't a cat   is there ?
(is there there a cat isn't )
窓を開けてもらえませんか。 Open the window   will you ?
(open you the window will )
その本を読んででもらえませんか。 Please read the book   will you? 
( please the you will book read )
テニスをしませんか。 Let's play tennis   shall we ?
( tennis shall let's play we )
